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Building a Gantt Chart

The Source Table:

The Result:

Macro combination:

  1. Insert the Jira Issues macro.
  2. Wrap the Jira Issues macro in the Table Filter macro.
  3. Wrap the Table Filter macro in the Table Transformer macro. (info)
  4. Add a table containing project milestones. tinymce.emotions_dlg.information
  5. Wrap the Table Filter macro and the table containing milestones in the Table Transformer macro.
  6. Wrap the Table Transformer macro and the table in the Chart from Table macro.
Handy Tip

You can include any table from your Confluence instance using the Table Excerpt and Table Excerpt Include macros or use any default and custom columns of the Jira Issues macro.

Handy Tip

We insert the Table Transformer macro in order to calculate the Completion ratio based on the Jira Issues macro columns. If you have any other column containing percentage values or don't need to visualize progress bars in the chart, you can skip this step.

Macro configuration:

Table Filter:

Filter ColumnIssue typeSprint
Filter TypeVisualDropdown
Filter ValuesNew feature, ImprovementECS Sprint 2, ECS Sprint 3, ECS Sprint 4

Table Transformer:

Use the following SQL query:

Code Block
CASE WHEN 'Status' = "Done" 
THEN "100%" 
WHEN 'Status' = "To Do" 
THEN "0%" 
ELSE (100 - ('Remaining Estimate' / 'Time Spent' * 100) + "%") 
END AS 'Completion Ratio'

Chart from Table:

Labels ColumnSprint, Key, Milestone
Values ColumnCreated, Due, Completion ratio, Date

Handy Carousel