This page provides you with the information about public releases of Evernote Integration for Confluence. Here you can learn what new features were added and what bugs were fixed.

Evernote Integration 2.3.9

Compatibility with Confluence 6.0.

Evernote Integration 2.3.8

Viewing a list of users who use the add-on. Support of Evernote Chinese service.

Evernote Integration 2.3.7

Increased the default timeout set for connecting to the Evernote server.

Evernote Integration 2.3.6

Fixed the issue with importing notes with checkboxes and colored text.

Evernote Integration 2.3.5

Fixed the issue with importing notes with checkboxes.

Evernote Integration 2.3.4

Added the link to Privacy Policy.

Evernote Integration 2.3.3

Changed the logo of Evernote Integration.

Evernote Integration 2.3.2

Fixed the issue with importing notes with checkboxes.

Evernote Integration 2.3.15

Compatibility with Confluence 7

Evernote Integration 2.3.14

Resolved the issue with editing tables after import from Evernote

Evernote Integration 2.3.13

Fixed the issue with notes containing a code block not importing properly.

Evernote Integration 2.3.12

Compatibility with Confluence 6.8.

Evernote Integration 2.3.11

Fixed the issue with importing notes with invalid XML characters.

Evernote Integration 2.3.10

Fixed the issue with importing notes with checkboxes.

Evernote Integration 2.3.1

Some combinations of symbols in note could prevent it from inserting.

Evernote Integration 2.3.0

Converting Evernote smileys and @username to Confluence emoticons and @mentions

Evernote Integration 2.2.1

Fixed the bug that occurred when connecting to Evernote

Evernote Integration 2.2.0

Added importing several notes at a time.

Evernote Integration 2.1.2

Fixed compatibility with Java 1.8

Evernote Integration 2.1.1

Added filtering and sorting. New UI.

Evernote Integration 2.1.0

Added filtering and sorting. New UI.

Evernote Integration 2.0.2

Small UI changes.

Evernote Integration 2.0.1

Minor to-do list conversion bug fix.

Evernote Integration 2.0.0

Major improvements. Starting from version 2.0.0 Evernote Integration is a paid add-on.

Evernote Integration 1.5.6

Page from note is created as a child now. Also some bug-fixes included.

Evernote Integration 1.5.5

Compatibility with Confluence 5.5 was added.

Evernote Integration 1.5.4

Improved formatting import and authentication error message.

Evernote Integration 1.5.3

Adding better output of errors when errors occur.

Evernote Integration 1.5.2

Clean-up of the add-on sources: unused templates removed.

  • No labels