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New in this release

The current version of the add-on has received an update, which allows it to support any username changes made in Confluence. After update to the newer version, the add-on processes all the existing pages and talks and performs data migration to fully support username changes.

Talk migration may require from one and up to ten minutes depending on the number of pages and talk threads. So if any username changes are made since then, the add-on will correctly treat the modified user names in talk threads and update such usernames accordingly. The add-on does not support username changes in user mentions. So if some username is changed, such a user mention in the talk will look like [~username].

Talk migration starts right after update of the add-on and is completely automated. We recommend you to perform add-on update during hours of the lowest Confluence workload and usage. You can monitor the current progress of talk migration in Confluence logs as follows:

Start of the Procedure
2013-12-19 17:31:38,129 WARN [scheduler_Worker-3] [] execute Migration of talk usernames is started
2013-12-19 17:31:43,413 WARN [scheduler_Worker-3] [] doInTransaction Migration of talk usernames: 500 pages with talks have been upgraded
2013-12-19 17:31:48,101 WARN [scheduler_Worker-3] [] doInTransaction Migration of talk usernames: 1000 pages with talks have been upgraded
2013-12-19 17:31:51,942 WARN [scheduler_Worker-3] [] doInTransaction Migration of talk usernames: 1500 pages with talks have been upgraded
2013-12-19 17:31:55,519 WARN [scheduler_Worker-3] [] doInTransaction Migration of talk usernames: 2000 pages with talks have been upgraded
Successful Completion
2013-12-19 17:33:23,532 WARN [scheduler_Worker-3] [] execute Migration of talk usernames was completed successfully

In case of migration failure the atlassian-confluence.log file will contain the following string 'Migration of talk usernames was failed'.


The new version of add-on also includes:

  • Added support for Confluence 4.3.3 and later versions.
  • No labels