Page tree

New in this release

  • Picking colors of Talk discussions.
  • More user friendly and simple searching of talks.
  • Easily find out the number of talks on a page.
  • Talk is now batching notifications for you to have less email.
  • Now a user is warned when leaving a page with an unsaved Talk comment.

Fixed in this release

  • Fixed the issue that occurred when adding a new Talk discussion in the editor. The issue caused disappearing of the added comment and occured only when certain actions (editing restrictions, pressing 'Like') were performed right after talk creation.
  • Fixed the compatibility with lists. The issue caused too big margins between list items in case of multi-level lists.
  • Fixed the issue with new Talk comments sometimes not being displayed in the editor. The issue occurred if you first resolve all talks in the view mode and then add a new talk via the 'Insert' menu in the editor.
  • Fixed the issue with inserting links to page attachments in a comment. When trying to save a comment with a page attachment URL, a browser tab stopped to respond.
  • Fixed the issue with coloring talks that could sometimes occur when adding a new talk in the editor.
  • Fixed the compatibility with the Multi Excerpt add-on.


Picking colors of Talk discussions

Now you can change the background color of your talks. Clickin a talk and select one of color options.

The coloring that was used in earlier versions of Talk is preserved as the default option ().

You can find your own ways to use the coloring capability for the benefit of your team. Here are some ideas – use coloring to:

  • prioritize discussions
  • assign colors to teams to distinguish discussions associated with each team (when several teams work on the same document) 
  • bring some fun into your work (smile)



More user friendly and simple searching of talks

Available in Confluence 5.9 and above

Now when searching Talk discussions you can use filters on the Confluence search screen.

Before, you could search only by using the Confluence Search field in the header.

Available filters:

  • Talk text -  searches by text in discussions

  • Talk updated - searches by talk update time
  • Talk user - searches by commenter (by user name, first name, last name or full name)

Learn more



Easily find out the number of talks on a page

We added a counter that shows how many Talk discussions you have on a page. Now when you open a Confluence page you can tell at a glance how many talks it contains.

If there's no figure next to the Talk icon on the top of a page, it means that currently there are no Talk discussions on this page. 

Talk is now batching notifications for you to have less email

Email notifications are now sent in batches. The default batching window is 10 minutes. System Administrators can modify that window:

  1. Go to Scheduled Jobs in Confluence Administration  
  2. Edit Talk Mail Job to define a new schedule



  • No labels