Page tree

New in this release

  • Adding talks to the contents of included pages. Before, when you used the Include Page or Excerpt Include macros to display the contents of the whole Confluence page (or a segment of a page) in another page, you could view and work with Talk comments of an included page or excerpt. But it was not possible to add new Talk comments to the contents of an included page. Now you can do that too as we implemented the capability to add Talk comments to the contents of the Include Page or Excerpt Include macros in the view mode.
  • Before only users who had the permission to edit a page could add Talk comments in the view mode. Now a user needs to have either the permission to edit a page or to add comments in order to be able to add a Talk comment while viewing a page.

Fixed in this release

  • Fixed a compatibility issue with the Table Filter add-on. As a result of the issue, when adding Talk discussions was enabled on the page, the button that is used to show a collapsed filter of Table Filter was not displayed when you hovered over the table included in the Table Filter macro.


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