Welcome to izi - LMS for Confluence!Link to Welcome to izi - LMS for Confluence!

Now your teams can create courses and quizzes to organize learning, training, knowledge checks, and fun quizzes right in Confluence.

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Go through this brief intro to learn about the app's basics:

  • Course creation
  • Quiz (test) creation
  • Enrolling participants
  • Tracking progress
  • Learning portal

izi - LMS for Confluence works out of the box and doesn't need any configuration. 

Create a courseLink to Create a course

  1. Click Create in a Confluence header and select the Course blueprint.
  2. Type Course name and description.
  3. Click Create. You’ll see an empty course administration page. 

  4. Add content using pages and quizzes. Organize modules with sections.

    If you add co-authors to a course, make sure you add the same people in co-authors for quizzes included in this course.

Create a quizLink to Create a quiz

To create a quiz (test) outside a course:

  1. Click Create in a Confluence header and select the Quiz blueprint.
  2. Type Quiz name

  3. Click Create. You’ll see an empty quiz page.

  4. Add questions – create new ones or reuse existing questions.
  5. Configure quiz settings.

  6. Take a quiz as a participant to check how everything looks and works.

Enroll participantsLink to Enroll participants

When you want to assign a course or quiz to someone, you can enroll them. Just click Enroll participants and type a user name, email or user group.

  • Course
  • Quiz

Track progressLink to Track progress

To monitor the progress of participants, browse:

  • Reports tab on a course page
  • Results section on a quiz page.
  • Create a page with Quiz Results Report to share it with others or build a global report with all or several quizzes.

Learning portal Link to Learning portal 

Learning in a Confluence header is a place where learning administrators can do the following:

  • Create a new course 
  • Create a new quiz
  • Manage course categories

Participants can come to Learning to see:

  • All courses – a global catalog of all courses available for self-enrollment in Confluence. Here participants can browse courses and self-enroll to them.
  • My courses – a list of all courses a user is enrolled to.
  • My quizzes – a list of all quizzes a user is enrolled to.
  • Courses by category – (available only if set up by a learning administrator) groups of courses on a specific topic
For a course to appear in Learning, a course creator needs to check Show in global catalog in course settings.