There are two ways to install the izi - LMS for Confluence - Courses & Quizzes app.

Install via UPM in ConfluenceLink to Install via UPM in Confluence

  1. Log into your Confluence instance as an administrator.
  2. Choose   in a Confluence header > Add-ons or Manage apps.
    The Manage apps screen loads.
  3. Click Find new apps
  4. Type izi - LMS for Confluence - Courses & Quizzes in the 'Search the Marketplace' box.
  5. Find the app in the search results.
  6. Click Free trial to begin a new trial or Buy now to purchase a license.  
    You will be prompted to log into MyAtlassian.
  7. Click Generate license when in MyAtlassian
  8. Click Apply license. You will be taken back to Confluence Administration.
  9. You are all set, go to Get Started to learn how to begin to use the app.

Install from the Atlassian MarketplaceLink to Install from the Atlassian Marketplace

  1. Go to izi - LMS for Confluence - Courses & Quizzes app page on the Marketplace.
  2. Click Try it free to begin a new trial or Buy now to purchase a license.
    You will be prompted to log into MyAtlassian.
  3. Click Generate license when in MyAtlassian
  4. You will see a screen with your license key. Here you can download the add-on. Install add-on and Apply your license sections give you prompts about how to proceed.
  5. When all set, go to Get Started to learn how to begin to use the app.

Reach out to us if you have any questions.

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