Table Excerpt/Table Excerpt Include vs Page Properties/Page Properties Report

FeatureTable Excerpt/Table Excerpt IncludePage Properties/Page Properties Report
1Number of data rows in collected tables

Any number

Tables with multiple rows are also collected.


Only the first data row is collected, others are ignored.

2Support of macro generated tables


The outputs of the Jira Issues, Table Transformer , Pivot Table , etc. macros are supported.

3Number of items to display per page

No limitations

If required, pagination can be set later via the Table Filter macro.

Maximum 30
4Content search

More transparent and user-friendly

You can narrow your request by choosing different options from the dropdown menu. For example, if you prefer to use labels, you can choose "at least one label"/"all the labels" options from the menu.

More sophisticated

You can narrow your request using the AND/OR operators (for example, for source pages' labels).

5Source pages' labels

Not mandatory


6Source pages' metadata


You can show

  • Source page title
  • Parent page title
  • Space title
  • Space key
  • Labels
  • Source page excerpt (abstract)
  • Author
  • Last modifier
  • Created
  • Updated
  • Page version
  • Page ID

None of these fields are mandatory.


You can show

  • Source page title (mandatory)
  • Comments count
  • Likes count

Advanced options to transpose source tables


There are several options (please check the section below for more details):

  • Transpose source tables horizontally and merge them into a combined report automatically
  • Always transpose collected tables
  • Never transpose collected tables


Source tables are transposed horizontally and merged into a combined report by default.

Please note that macro generated tables, for example, coming from Table Excerpt Include, Page Properties Report, Excerpt Include macros can be processed further with the help of our macros. For example, you can use the Table Filter macro to filter your report/set a default sorting and apply the Table Transformer macro to set a specific column width.

"Transpose Table" option within the Table Excerpt Include macro

Option 1

  • Transpose Table = Auto
  • Show as a report table = Enabled


  • Horizontal tables stay as they are
  • Vertical tables are transposed horizontally
  • All tables are merged into one big combined report automatically

This option is similar to the internal algorithm of the Page Properties Report macro.

Please note that if the "Show as a report table" option is disabled, there is no any auto transposition and the source tables are collected separately as they are.

Option 2

  • Transpose Table = Always
  • Show as a report table = Enabled/Disabled


  • Each table is transposed alternatively
    • Horizontal tables are transposed vertically
    • Vertical tables are transposed horizontally
  • If the "Show as a report table" option is enabled and all the collected tables become horizontal, you'll get one big combined report
  • If the "Show as a report table" option is disabled or if the "Show as a report table " option is enabled but not all of the collected tables become horizontal, you'll see separate tables that are simply transposed alternatively

Option 3

  • Transpose Table = Never
  • Show as a report table = Enabled/Disabled


  • Tables stay as they are
  • If the "Show as a report table" option is enabled and all the collected tables were horizontal beforehand, you'll get one big combined report
  • If the "Show as a report table" option is disabled or if the "Show as a report table " option is enabled but not all of the source tables were horizontal beforehand, you'll see separate tables as they are

Table Excerpt/Table Excerpt Include vs Excerpt/Excerpt Include

FeatureTable Excerpt/Table Excerpt IncludeExcerpt/Excerpt Include
1Number of excerpts per pageAny number

Cloud: Any number

Data Center: One

For Data Center only the first Excerpt is collected, others are ignored. 

2Support of macro generated tables


The outputs of the Jira Issues, Table Transformer , Pivot Table , etc. macros are supported. Plus there are a dvanced nesting options for Cloud when using the Table Toolbox macro.

3Adjustments for working with tables


Serve as an advanced version of the native Page Properties/Page Properties Report macros.

Note that the Table Excerpt/Table Excerpt Include macros reuse any type of content and not only tables. The "Table" part in the macros' names is more about app's brand.


Simply reuse tables just as any other type of content.