Smart Attachments for Jira Release Notes - Data Center/Server Current: Smart Attachments for Jira - Versions 1.X PDF Smart Attachments for Jira - Versions 1.X Smart Attachments 1.22.7 — Japanese localization and compatibility with ScriptRunner Smart Attachments 1.22.6 — Resolved compatibility issues with Capture for Jira app Smart Attachments 1.22.5 — German localization and minor updates in the Move attachments to category post-function Smart Attachments 1.22.4 — Resolved the compatibility issues with GoEdit app Smart Attachments 1.22.3 — Extended operation of automatic distribution and addressed minor issues Smart Attachments 1.22.2 — Resolved the issue with document revisions and drop zones Smart Attachments 1.22.1 — Resolved issue with pasting images in the text area fields and comments Smart Attachments 1.22.0 — Compatibility with Jira 8 and performance optimizations Smart Attachments 1.21.1 — Compatibility with the Issue Templates app from Deviniti Smart Attachments 1.21.0 — Support for Jira Data Center and UPM 3.0 Smart Attachments 1.20.1 — Compatibility issues with GoEdit, Dynamic Forms and Extension apps Smart Attachments 1.20.0 — Support for automatic distribution of attachments across categories Smart Attachments 1.19.2 — Resolved the issue with missing revisions when inserting the link Smart Attachments 1.19.1 — Resolved the issue with upload of files in Service Desk projects Smart Attachments 1.19.0 — Added support for multiple drop areas in JIRA Service Desk forms Smart Attachments 1.18.16 — Resolved the issue with download of file having square brackets in the name Smart Attachments 1.18.15 — Improvements for conditions, validators and post-functions Smart Attachments 1.18.14 — Options to select custom Issue Created and Issue Updated events Smart Attachments 1.18.13 — Resolved the issue with editing documents with long names Smart Attachments 1.18.12 — Issue with disappearance of the category selection field in JIRA Service Desk Smart Attachments 1.18.11 — Stability improvements and operation updates Smart Attachments 1.18.10 — Resolved the issue with dragging files between categories in JIRA Service Desk Smart Attachments 1.18.9 — Improved compatibility with JIRA Service Desk Smart Attachments 1.18.8 — Sending emails with attachments from the JIRA mailbox Smart Attachments 1.18.7 — Resolved the issue with attachment unavailability on the customer support portal Smart Attachments 1.18.6 — Resolved issues with the validator and upload of document revisions Smart Attachments 1.18.5 — Improvement in display of the More actions contextual menu Smart Attachments 1.18.4 — Resolved the issue when performing bulk operations Smart Attachments 1.18.3 — Resolved the issue with uploading files through the Attach files form Smart Attachments 1.18.2 — Resolved the issue with the maximal file size upload error Smart Attachments 1.18.1 — Resolved the issue with operation of validators and conditions Smart Attachments 1.18.0 — Conditions and validators to verify number of attachments in categories Smart Attachments 1.17.4 — Issue with unavailability of attachments in projects where the app is not activated Smart Attachments 1.17.2 — Option to select the Attachment field look type and updates in REST API Smart Attachments 1.17.1 — Improved app behavior upon the license unavailability or expiry Smart Attachments 1.16.11 — Issue with creation of new issues in JIRA after update to Smart Attachments 1.16.10 Smart Attachments 1.16.10 — Updated the database structure for retention of attachment metadata Smart Attachments 1.16.9 — Updated the database structure for retention of attachment metadata Smart Attachments 1.16.8 — Improved behavior of validators and post-functions Smart Attachments 1.16.7 — Issue with losing categories when creating sub-tasks Smart Attachments 1.16.6 — Resolved issues with attachment categories and file moving between them Smart Attachments 1.16.5 — Issue with the incorrect order of document revisions Smart Attachments 1.16.4 — Compatibility with Calendar app and improvements for attachment validators Smart Attachments 1.16.3 — Compatibility issues with Xray - Test Management and JIRA 7.5.0 Smart Attachments 1.16.2 — Improvements in retention of data in the database Smart Attachments 1.16.1 — Resolved the issue with insertion of images into the issue description and comments Smart Attachments 1.16.0 — Upload to multiple categories on transition forms and conversion of attached files into revisions Smart Attachments 1.15.3 — Resolved the issue with JIRA backup recovery on Oracle database Smart Attachments 1.15.2 — Updates in REST API and resolved issues Smart Attachments 1.15.1 — Improved speed of loading the project administration section on large JIRA instances Smart Attachments 1.15.0 — Integration with GoEdit - Direct Attachment Edit for JIRA add-on Smart Attachments 1.14.1 — Improved behavior of category selection in the Attach Files form Smart Attachments 1.14.0 — Added a capability to comment on attachments in JIRA Smart Attachments 1.13.2 — Corrected the attachment indexation and added id attributes for links Smart Attachments 1.13.1 — Resolved multiple issues with log spamming Smart Attachments 1.13.0 — Added attachment management conditions and post-functions for workflows Smart Attachments 1.12.1 — Minor improvements and issue resolutions Smart Attachments 1.12.0 — Improvements for file selection during bulk operations Smart Attachments 1.11.2 — Resolved the issue with commenting attachments by anonymous users Smart Attachments 1.11.1 — Resolved compatibility issues with third-party add-ons Smart Attachments 1.11.0 — Added the tracking of Event Analytics for add-on optimizatio Smart Attachments 1.10.3 — Resolved the markup issue when expanding the issue Smart Attachments 1.10.2 — Resolved the compatibility issue with Wiki Editor add-on Smart Attachments 1.10.1 — Resolved the compatibility issue with Portfolio for JIRA add-on Smart Attachments 1.10.0 — Added a capability to configure categories per issue types of the project Smart Attachments 1.9.2 — Added a capability to edit DOCM files in MS Office Smart Attachments 1.9.3 — Resolved the cross-version compatibility issues Smart Attachments 1.9.1 — Resolved the issue with persisting errors in the log when attaching and indexing files Smart Attachments 1.9.0 — Added support for workflow validators checking attachment properties Smart Attachments 1.8.4 — Added compatibility with JIRA 7 Smart Attachments 1.8.3 — Resolved the issue with epic creation in JIRA Agile Smart Attachments 1.8.2 — Resolved the issue with incorrect page rendering in Chrome 45 Smart Attachments 1.8.1 — Resolved the issue with removal of attachments and document revisions Smart Attachments 1.8.0 — Added search for issues with attachments via JQL and archivation of attachments Smart Attachments 1.7.0 — Added a capability to send multiple attachments to required email addresses Smart Attachments 1.6.2 — Minor improvements and issue resolutions Smart Attachments 1.6.1 — Added compatibility with JIRA Agile and Structure add-ons Smart Attachments 1.6.0 — Added support for online editing of MS Office documents and compatibility with JIRA 6.4 Smart Attachments 1.5.0 — Added a capability to enable/disable add-on for projects and import configuration Smart Attachments 1.4.3 — Resolved several issues and increased reliability of the add-on Smart Attachments 1.4.2 — Optimized output of users, groups and roles when setting access restrictions Smart Attachments 1.4.1 — Increased padding for expand icons and resolved issue with commenting permissions Smart Attachments 1.4.0 — Added support for document revisions and a capability to comment attachments Smart Attachments 1.3.0 — Increased compatibility with Drag and Drop add-on and improved performance Smart Attachments 1.2.0 — Set categories as drag-n-drop areas for quick file upload and extended access restrictions for users and user roles Smart Attachments 1.1.1 — Resolved the issue with the broken functionality of configuring access restrictions Smart Attachments 1.1.0 — Added support for bulk operations and access restrictions for categories